Monday, May 23, 2011

Day One of 'Catchy Lockyer Stories'

Aren't I the lucky duck. I just had a day of storytelling and story creating in three Lockyer schools.

We started with Mt Sylvia State School. It's a quite a way up the Tenthill Creek Valley. Driving there along Tenthill Creek Road was quite an experience. I think I passed crops of every vegetable it was possible to grow - carrots, pumpkins, potatoes. One picking crew was picking cabbages.

When I finally arrived, I found Mt Sylvia School to be a delightful little one. Kaori and I worked with the Preps to Year 2's. They were keen for stories and I had to keep reminding myself to stay on track.

I told 'Aidan and the Murray Cod' as my warm up story. It's always a hit but I did have to spend quite a bit of time explaining the differences between the Campaspie River in Victoria and Tenthill Creek in Queensland.

We created a neat little story called 'David and the Snaked Necked Tortoise'. Not surprisingly the main character, 'David' goes to Mt Sylvia School and the setting is one of the farms along Tenthill Creek. I wont tell you the story yet but, I must admit, I was pleased when one of the teachers at Tenthill Lower School said, 'When you told that story to our students it sounded like the setting was my farm.'

After Mt Sylvia, we went back down the valley to Tenthill Lower State School. It's built right next to the creek and the students must be quite aware of the effects of flooding as they have security fencing up between the oval and the creek bank. It was good to be able to show the students this blog on their magic whiteboard. The story we created was about the erosion on the creek and a heroic rescue by the teachers.

Next came a drive up out of the Tenthill Creek catchment and over to Ropely State School. The school buildings are built high on posts and once more their magic whiteboard was really useful. They have some brush tailed possums that shelter around the school buildings, so they featured in Ropely's story.

I'm looking forward to getting scanned copies of their illustrations and adding them to the blog.

Tomorrow we'll be heading for a kindergarten Laidley and an early childhood centre - Withcott.


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